Teaching An Art Class 101
Crash Course on Planning & Running an Art Class
Crash Course on Planning & Running an Art Class
Why Would You Take This Course From Me?
This course walks you through how to come up with a class theme or title
How to in build a curriculum and reverse engineer a syllabus
How to come up with fun projects including final projects
How to run your art class
How to grade
How to deal with supplies
How to communication with parents
And what is best to teach specific ages
This course if for those who have an opportunity to teach art or are looking for an opportunity in a more private, small class/group, coop, homeschool enrichment, recenter, personal studio type environment. This is for those who have, or don’t have a teaching certificate, but have a desire to teach art without the need of a certificate. The best teachers are those who want to teach and have a good grasp of the subject and a passion for it. So if this is you when it comes to art, then you are in the right place!